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Showing posts from February, 2015

What is Serialization?

Serialization or Marshalling:                        It is the process of converting data structure or object into Network or File or Database Supporting form. Deserialization or Unmarshalling:                       It is the opposite process to Serialization. It is the process of extracting object or data structure from Network or File or Database Supporting form. You may feel tough to understand these definitions. I'll explain you through an example.                 Once upon a time there was a son staying in Hyderabad and his family staying in a village which is very far from Hyderabad, it is famous for good Mangos. One day Son made a phone call to Father and asked that, Father, i want 10KG mangos. So, father went to mangos shop and brought mangos to home. The challenge in front him is how to send these mangos to his son. So, he went to courier office and asked them to send mangos to Hyderabad, then Courier Officer : Sorry, sir. It is not Possible to send